Pest Share Resident FAQs

Who is Pest Share?

What pests can I request service for?

Is there a limit to the number of services included in the Pest Share program?

How do I request a service for pest control?

What information do I need to include in my request for service?

How will I know that my request was received?

What if I have questions when submitting my request, or the status of my service?

What if I also need service(s) for pest(s) not covered by my Pest Assurance program?

Does the Pest Share service provider discount the cost of the pest(s) not covered by my Pest Assurance program, and does the treatment come with a warranty?

What happens if I receive a bill after the service?

PetScreening Resident FAQs

Why do we use PetScreening?

How does PetScreening help with emergency preparedness?

How does PetScreening ensure compliance for service and support animals?

What are the pet policies?

What do I need to include in my PetScreening profile?

What are the benefits of creating a PetScreening pet profile?